A Banquet of Freedom
Message at Libres por Amor worship service, Sunday, 19 June 2016. _______________________________________________________________________...
Un banquete de libertad
Mensaje del domingo 19 de junio de 2016 en Libres por Amor ICM MCC -Iglesia Emergente, Puebla. __________________________________________...
5 Reasons Why More Christians Are Becoming LGBTQ Affirming
If one follows the news they’d see that many major Christian denominations are split over LGBTQ inclusion. As I have followed these...
Love or Hate? It’s in the Eye of the Receiver
“What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet...
¿Amor u odio? Está en los ojos de quien ve.
“¡Qué aflicción para los que dicen que lo malo es bueno y lo bueno es malo,que la oscuridad es luz y la luz es oscuridad, que lo amargo...